interviews + insights
about leveraging Asia
Maybe you’re launching a new venture. Maybe you’re expanding an existing enterprise across borders. Perhaps you’re seeking high-potential investment opportunities. Whatever your goals, leveraging Asia will transform your business, grow your portfolio, and enrich your future.
Welcome to Leverage Asia!
Hi — I’m David Yi, your host.
Leverage Asia connects forward thinkers and doers to the vast opportunities between Asia and America. Our mission is to share knowledge, foster connections, and provide resources to fully leverage these opportunities.
The Host. With over 20 years of experience, I’ve contributed to $10 billion in international business and helped establish more than 2,000 brands and projects across Asia and America.
The Podcast. Join us for raw stories and candid conversations with trailblazers who leverage Asia to elevate their businesses and lives.
Let’s go leverage Asia!
Your host,
David Yi
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